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    Discovery. Rediscovery, Or No Discovery: The Mendel Laws Of Inheritance.

    The Curator Files

    Aboubakar YARI1: Venus YARI1: And Myra YAR2



    Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM

    Marketing Body, Biotech tropicaana Corporation



    Discovery, Rediscovery, Or No Discovery

    The Mendel Laws of Inheritance



    Mendel laws are a set of rules that govern transmission of characters from one generation to the next in living systems: the laws of inheritance. The laws were discovered by Gregor Mendel, presented to the science society of Brno , the Czech republic and then published between 1865 and 1866. The scientific community of his time hardly accepted the discovery and the work remains unnoticed for more than 35 years, until a group of scientists repeated Mendel’s experiments and confirm Mendel’s findings: Hugo De Vries being one the most cited. Did the confirmation of Mendel laws meet the new discovery threshold, a rediscovery, or no discovery? Here, we discuss thresholds and standards in scientific discovery using Mendel laws as model.

    Keywords: Discovery; Rediscovery; Science: Mendel Laws; Old Technology:: New technology.



    Mendel laws are a set of rules that govern transmission of characters from one generation to the next in living systems: the laws of inheritance. The laws were discovered by Gregor Mendel in 1865 using pea plant as model organism and applying statistical analysis of (numbers) of offspring’s per generation. The laws could explain the scientific basis of resemblance and variation between parents and their offsprings. Mendel was not a scientist, but a priest that lived and worked in a church in Brno, the Czech republic where he conducted the experiments.. mendel studied Botanics and Mathematics in religious schools before becoming a priest. Mendel’s presented the discovery to the science society of Brno and published. The scientific community of his time hardly accepted the discovery and the work remained unnoticed for more than 35 years. After Mendel’s death groups of scientists repeated the experiment and published claiming a “rediscovery” of the laws of heredity: Hugo De Vries being one of the most cited . Did the post Mendel publications meet the new discovery threshold.? Here, we discuss the concepts of discovery, “rediscovery” and “no discovery” using Mendel laws as model. We then analyse the concepts for defining the concepts of “old technology” and “new technology”


    A discovery brings new insight in the scientific field


    Or parallel discovery: two or more independent discoveries. Each team conduct research without exchanging data> often they don’t know each other. One team will publish first. Other team teams them. Same conclusion. Research design and methodology may be different . “Parallel” discovery would be more appropriate term over “rediscovery”.

    No Discovery:

    No new insight.

    In the case of the Mendel laws of inheritance, rediscovery nor parallel discovery does not apply. Mendel published its paper almost 3 years earlier and the “rediscovers” had access to Mendel’s experimental design and conclusions before repeating the experiments. No new insight was brought in their conclusions. Therefore no discovery was made.



    New insight (discovery) in not for profit basic science Example: Oka S: et al dynabeads cd4.

    Oka S et al: brought new insight in the field by reducing cost and complexity of the dynabeads CD4 counting system to make it widely applicable in the resource poor settings. However, Oka et al: did not include implementation cost in their hypothesis. As a public institution conducting not for profit basic research the authors may receive public grants to implement the modified dynabeads system.


    New insight (discovery) in for profit corporate science.

    Example: Yari et al” SMARThivCD4mos.

    The Biotech tropicana System are a private for profit biotech company that receives no grant from the public sector and relied essentially on end clients to recover its investment for re-investment toward new technologies. The CD4 counting system developed by Oka et al: relied on microscope for implementation. The Biotech tropicana Systems SMARThivPACK used elisa plate reader and PCR machine for viral load and drug resistance tests. Applying the dynabeads system would add one additional equipment, microscope, and raise equipment cost for the resource poor settings. In SMARThivCD4mos, the Biotech tropicana Systems modified the CD4 counting system to eliminate the need f6r a microscope and reduce basic equipment to two, elisa plate reader and PCR machine for the three tests.

    Equipment ratio for performing three tests as recommended under the international standard:


    1. PCR machine
    2. Elisa plate reader
    3. microscope

    3 tests. 3 equipment’s, higher cost


    1. PCR machine
    2. elisa plate reader

    3 tests, 2 equipment’s, lower cost


    1. Free the HIV patient monitoring programs from dependency on foreign aid.
    2. Transfer the decision making process on whether to apply international standard or developing world specific sub substandard from aid donors and their developing world partners to patients. In the Biotech tropicana Systems model program that makes technology available at cost affordable to patients, it is the patient that decides not the aid donor.

    The Biotech tropicana Systems applied knowledge in technological innovation to secure freedom for the patients and sustainable development for the host country, consistent with the compassionate capitalism philosophy of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Even where the Biotech tropicana Systems do not oppose development assistance aid to developing countries, we oppose aid for consumption. Aid should be invested toward long term development objectives.

    The Biotech tropicana Systems brought new insights in technological innovation that translates into mew insights in advancement of society. The Biotech tropicana Systems make profit by improving lives and promoting development.


    Standards and guidelines:

    Compliance with standard is determined by panel. New insights are published. Submissions bringing new insights are not published. Based on modern criteria the rediscovers of Mendel law could not publish. They may be recommended to collaborate with the corresponding author in Mendel’s paper (Mendel) for any proposed improvements.


    Science, Technology, And Society: Impact of the Biotech tropicana Systems SMARThivPACK

    HIV patients monitoring::

    Numerous studies have established that patients whose physicians have access to the three tests show decrease morbidity and mortality compared to patients whose physicians lack the three tests.


    International Standard:

    Three tests recommended by the International AIDS Society

    Developed Countries:

    Three tests, standard technologies, high cost, paid by patients many through health insurance companies.

    Developing Countries:


    1 test, mixed standard and alternative technologies, free for patients, paid by foreign donors with the global fund on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis leading.

    Implementation: P1 Model: Cooperation and governments.


    3 tests, alternative technologies, SMARThivPACK (Biotech tropicana Systems), paid by patients, coordinated Biotech tropicana Systems health insurance program.

    Implementation: P2: Biotech tropicana Systems, and diaspora science community.


    SMARThivPACK introduces democracy in HIV patient monitoring in developing countries. SMARThivPACK takes the decision making process from P1 and transferred the decision to the patients. The patients MUST be permitted to vote for a public free 1 sub standard test or 3 private paid tests that complied with international standards. SMARThivPACK is designed to create an opportunity for the patients to take control of their own destiny through a freedom of choice.


    Compliance with the principles set forth by the authority:

    The authority, the panel of the international aids society, set three tests as the standard. All programs of the biotech tropicana Systems SHALL comply with the guidelines set forth by the authority. Developing countries MUST learn to comply with international standards to fully benefit from the world assets of scientific and technological knowledge.

    See also Juma et al: In Innovation: Applying Knowledge In Development



    Under modern scientific peer review rules, the rediscovers of Mendel laws did not make a discovery. Gregor Mendel of Brno, Moravia, the Czech republic is and remains the founding father of modern genetics. The early 1900s re-publisher of Mendel confirm Mendel’s findings but did not rediscover Mendel laws.

    A new insight that advances am old technology is a new technology owned by the new discover.



    [1] Google Search, Keyword: The Discovery of Mendel Laws.

    [1] Oka S et al: Modified Dynabeads

    [1] Yari et al; SMARThivCD4mos

    [1] Yari et : SMARThivPACK

    [1] The International AIDS Society

    [1] Juma et al; Innovation: Applying Knowledge In Development


    Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (03.11.2017)
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